Finish this line to solve a long standing arguement: (Oh, and if you can finish it with my version, that would help me out a lot. *grin*)
"Shave and a hair cut..."
I thought I'd check in before there was an APB put out on me. Yes, I'm still around, just not online as much. I decided to put more effort into my house and family, and it has been going really well.
I also have several parties in the works in the next few months. (My family - we like parties!) The first is the very important Gabriella's 5th Birthday Party next week, which is a small affair, but quite exciting. She decided on a "pink poodle" theme - I'm sure the little boys at the party will be thrilled. Then the following week my adorable nephew turns one! Luckily, I only have to show up to this one.
The next party is the most elaborate, and I'm completely in charge. I'm throwing a formal Titanic dinner party. Because of all the other parties, I'm not holding it on the appropriate night (April 14th), but am pushing it back to the first weekend in May so that all invitees can attend. I'm serving a seven course meal. Everyone will be assigned a "character", and there will be some background given on everyone. There is even talk of a skit - I'll keep you updated on that one.
Then of course my Little Man will be three, and I will be throwing the required train party for that one. Oh he loves his trains - you have no idea. I can't believe my baby is going to preschool in the fall!
Then if that isn't enough, we are throwing a summer pirate themed party later in June. My brother and I are in charge of the "treasure hunt" for that one, which will take participants all over town in a race to see who can do it the fastest (without traffic violations, of course.) It will be a blast!
There are actually more parties planned beyond that - a camping trip for sure, and who knows what else. I think we enjoy the planning of the parties just as much if not more than the actual party. We should go into business perhaps - it might help finance our get-togethers!
Alex is creeping up on three years old. It was about this time in Ella's life that she went from being a sweet-all-the-time toddler to a not-so-sweet-all-the-time toddler. (You know - the "terrible twos and threes")
Well not to be outdone, Alex is stepping up his not-so-sweetness. He is starting to be demanding. "Daddy, you come here!" "I want sucker!" Sometimes just a simple "NO NOT!" is all he needs to express his displeasure.
He has a whole series of "don'ts". "Don't tickle me!" "Don't kiss me!" "Don't love me!"
My favorite though, is "Don't see me!" I think it's so cute that I throw it back at him.
"Alex", I say. "Don't see me!"
To which he responds with "YES! I SEE YOU!!"
I know - I won't ever win.
"That clock looks really old - like you guys!" Labels: quips
"Hey Mommy, what is that girl doing?"
Walking to school
"But how will she get to school?"
She's walking there.
"What is her school named?"
She probably goes to ABC Elementary School, right over there.
Because that is the one her parents wanted her to go to.
I don't know Baby.
What Ella.
"Where is that DIP sign?
We pasted it several blocks back.
"Did I miss it?"
Because you were busy talking about that girl.
"What girl?"
The one you saw walking to school, remember?
"Oh yeah..... Hey Mom?"
What Sweetie.
What Sweetie.
"Ummmm... when I'm five I will go to kindergarten, and I will go the same days that Daddy goes to work!"
Yes, that's right.
"So me and Daddy will have adventures on those days?"
Yes Sweetie.
I appogize for ignoring my blog for so long. The company called me the next day, and they felt horrible. While the loss of the calendar wasn't their fault, the lack of communication was (someone was out on leave, and someone else was out of town - it was accidental, and they felt horrible about it.) Not only did they send out another calendar right away, but they credited my card. All is well in my kingdom again, and I still highly recommend Uncalendar and their products!