You’re feeling: blocked
To your left: a lamp
On your mind: nothing - and everything
Last meal included: green beans and carrots
You sometimes find it hard to: write
The weather: weird!
Something you have a collections of: books
A smell that cheers you up: mowed grass
A smell that can ruin your mood: poop
How long since you last shaved: 3 days
The current state of your hair: in transition
The largest item on your desk right now (besides computer): desk? What desk?
Your skill with chopsticks: so-so
Which section you head to first in the bookstore: staff recomendations
And after that?: new fiction
Something you are craving: food
How many times have you been hospitalized this year: zero (knock on wood)
A favorite place to go for quiet time: right here
You’ve always secretly thought you’d be a good: musician
Something that freaks you out a little: bugs
Something you’ve eaten too much of lately: fried foods
You have never: smoked
You never want to: be without my family