Alex is creeping up on three years old. It was about this time in Ella's life that she went from being a sweet-all-the-time toddler to a not-so-sweet-all-the-time toddler. (You know - the "terrible twos and threes")
Well not to be outdone, Alex is stepping up his not-so-sweetness. He is starting to be demanding. "Daddy, you come here!" "I want sucker!" Sometimes just a simple "NO NOT!" is all he needs to express his displeasure.
He has a whole series of "don'ts". "Don't tickle me!" "Don't kiss me!" "Don't love me!"
My favorite though, is "Don't see me!" I think it's so cute that I throw it back at him.
"Alex", I say. "Don't see me!"
To which he responds with "YES! I SEE YOU!!"
I know - I won't ever win.