Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Men and dishwashers

My in-laws recently remodeled their kitchen. Oh it looks wonderful! My MIL now has two ovens for all the cooking and baking she does. They added huge amounts of cabinet and counter space, and a lovely island.

The biggest improvement by far, however, was the dishwasher. Can you believe they have been living without a dishwasher until just this year? They had five children! They have 17 grandchildren! Add in spouses and they can have up to 34 people over for reunions and holidays. (They use a lot of paper plates!)

I thought it was adorable when my FIL went to my husband and asked him how to run the dishwasher. Adorable, and funny! Have you ever seen a man load a dishwasher? They just can't do it. (But you can't criticize them, or they will stop trying.) There really is a science to it. I'd teach a class in it, but every dishwasher is different. It really only takes some common sense and a basic knowledge of how the dishwasher works - you'd think they could get it.

So I had to chuckle to myself as I listened to Bubblehead instruct his dad on how to put the soap in, etc. Like the blind leading the blind.

(Bubblehead did come to me afterward horrified and commented that his dad had put all the dishes in covered with food - he didn't rince anything off! At least I've taught my husband well in that respect!)
Name: Christine
Location: Wyoming, United States
I'm the Mom of two. They drive me crazy. I love them dearly. I want one more. I'm not insane, yet. My hubby says I'm a snob with an inferiority complex. There is more to me than being a mother. I just don't remember any of it.

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"Make a little birdhouse in your soul."

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