Friday, July 29, 2005

Where I'm from

I am from small towns, from Kraft macaroni and cheese, and love.

I am from the split level, all-American, cozy warmth of a fireplace on a winter evening.

I am from snap dragons and bleeding hearts, from rocks worn smooth by centuries of water flow.

I am from hot chocolate after a day of skiing and summer mountain hikes. From anal retentiveness, sensitivity, and strength, from Cosima, and Ole and Campbell.

I am from the fidgety and analytical.

From "sit in your soup and eat your chair", and "always do your best".

I am from "non-mormons". From basic goodness and the Ten Commandments, and "do unto others..."

I'm from Wyoming and Norway, from paella and homemade vanilla ice cream on the fourth of July. I'm from my very own Green Gables, and Tom Sawyer over lunch.

From two people who left "the old country" for America, only to meet each other here and marry; from the man who bought a farm and changed his name. From the tragedy of a murder/suicide no one understands, and from German, and English, and Scottish immigrants looking for a better life.

I am from my mother's hope chest, and a large plastic file box full of old letters, from my great-great grandmother's photo albums full of unlabeled, unknown faces, still priceless in the mysteries they may hold, and from hand-written notebooks documenting the branches of my family tree.

I found this here

Thursday, July 28, 2005

She won't stop talking to me!!

Please, someone - tell me how on Earth do I get her to stop talking to me!!!

Five minutes left to myself - that's all I ask.

Because Garnet told me to...

Garnet tagged me with this one, and since I'm too busy getting ready for a camping trip to write anything, she saved me! :)

What was I doing 10 years ago:
Ten years ago I lived in St. Marys, Georgia. I was a full-time college student, and worked part-time with foster children. I was a Navy wife. I drove a 1985 bright blue Ford LTD. (I loved that car!) I had no kids, I stayed up late at night, and on days when I didn't have morning classes, I slept in just as late as my little heart desired!

5 years ago:
Bubblehead had just gotten out of the Navy. We bought a house near Seattle, and we had just found out Ella was on the way.

1 year ago
We moved from the Denver area back home to Wyoming.

My parents came to visit for the day, and to kidnap my dogs.

5 snacks I enjoy
Popcorn (I prefer the the "homemade" variety popped on the stove)

5 songs I know all the words to
They Might Be Giants - you name it
Laurie Berkner - Victor Veto
All of Depeche Mode's greatest hits
Mah Na Mah Na (Little Man's current fav)
All kiddie show theme songs

5 things I would do with $100 million
Pay off all debt
Take a ridiculously long vacation to scores of locations around the globe
Buy several homes
Buffi and I could finally plan that get-together!
Buy myself a new vehicle or two, and upgrade all my gadgets!
Be unbelievably generous with my family and friends, especially my parents.
(Yes, I know that was 6, but it's $100 million!!)

5 locations I'd like to run away to
Victoria B.C.
Cruise ship

5 things I like doing

5 bad habits I have
tapping my fingers incessantly on the keyboard while thinking about what to type next
biting the inside of my cheeks
nagging Bubblehead for things that I also do
Staying up way too late

5 things I would never wear (again?)
leg warmers
a strapless dress
really short hair
a cowboy hat
baggy jeans

5 TV shows I like
Good Eats
Queer Eye

5 biggest joys of the moment
Picking Ella up from preschool
Dropping Ella off at preschool
Hearing Alex say "Mama!"
Finishing this meme so I can go to bed!

5 favorite toys
Pocket PC

I won't tag anyone. If you want to do it, let me know so I can come read!

Good night!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"Self portrait"

"Self portrait"
Originally uploaded by kabiel.
My shadow against the Wyoming grassland.

Monday, July 25, 2005


I didn't mean to leave you all hanging like that. I've been out of town. I'm happy to report that my arm is still attached to my shoulder, and it looks like my skin is not going to rot away. I am still in quite a bit of pain off and on. My dad has assured me that these bites do not look like spider bites, and he is of the opinion that the bites and the muscle ache in the same region is just coincidence. I've been told to "buck up".

I still don't know what bit me - these are certainly not mosquito bites. We'll see what happens. I am either in need of a doctor, or a week at a spa with daily massage - neither of which is going to happen today.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Is there a doctor in the house?

I have a lovely cluster of bug bites on my right shoulder blade. I figured I got them while we were up on the mountain the other night, until I realized I wasn't wearing a tank top that day. This, combined with the fact that I have been living with utter pain in this same region of my back and neck has caused us to place the blame on a spider, who must have gotten to me in my sleep. (I don't even want to think about this as it completely creeps me out.)

The doctor's office said if the pain is getting worse, or "deeper" I should probably be seen. I think I'll play the martyr and give it another day or so. I'm too busy. Bubblehead says it doesn't look like my flesh is rotting away yet, so I've probably got some time, right?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

More requested photos

You thought I forgot, didn't you!

Goldberry asked to see pictures of my hands holding my childrens' hands. Here are the results.

And Garnet requested a picture of my kiddos sleeping. (This is one of my favorites, because there is nothing better than sleeping kiddos!!)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Road trip!

There was a balloon festival scheduled this weekend, and we made plans to take the kids. This plan involved us getting up insanely early in order to get there in time to see all the balloons in the air.

So we got up before the sun, got ready, and headed out. The festival was one town over, so it took us about 30 minutes to get there and find out it was canceled due to wind. Fabulous.

Bubblehead isn't one to let such a thing spoil his plans, so he said "Let's go to Jackson!" Okay.

So we took lemons and made lemonade. We drove two hours more to Jackson Hole. We enjoyed the gorgeous views of the Grand Tetons and meadows full of wildflowers. We played in Jackson's town square, where on all four corners stands an arch of antlers. We ate ice cream and drew in the dirt.

Then we came home and went straight to bed, because no one in this family functions well getting up before 6:00 am!

You can view all these pictures and others from our trip here.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Submarine stories

Bubblehead is a contributor over at Ultraquiet No More, which is a blog all about submarines. He posted one of his memories over there, and I'd like to send you over to read it. It's short, and really an amazing memory.

(PS - I'm still looking for that darn picture. :)

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Rattle in Seattle

I have to tell you about my one earthquake experience, because I find it humorous. On February 28, 2001 the Olympia, Tacoma, and Seattle areas were hit by an earthquake. It was a pretty good one at 6.8.

It was an unseasonably nice day in the Pacific Northwest. I was eight months pregnant with Ella at the time, and my parents were visiting us. Bubblehead then worked at the SeaTac airport. He was at work that day, and my parents and I had planned to go do a little shopping. Before heading to the mall, I had a book to return to the library, so my dad pulled up to the front of the building and I jumped out to put my book into the slot. Back into the truck and we were off.

As we pulled out into traffic we were stopped at a stop light, and noticed the traffic lights bouncing up and down. Now being from Wyoming, this wasn't an unusual sight when the wind really blew. We all noticed it, and we commented how funny it was that the lights were bouncing like that - there was no wind today!

It wasn't until we got several more lights down the road that we started hearing about an earthquake on the radio. Well now the bouncing lights made sense! It sounded like some areas of town had lost power, and we considered going home, but since everything looked okay where we were, we decided to go ahead and head north to the mall. I mean, how bad could it have been - we didn't feel a thing!

There was our mistake. As we got off I-5 at our exit, all the traffic lights were out. None of the businesses had power. Cell phones weren't working, so I used a payphone to call Bubblehead. He told of actually seeing the waves ripple through the floor of his building at work. Of course he was going to be at work for a while, as the airport was affected. We decided then we had better head home. The roads were a mess with traffic - it took us two hours to get back.

There was plenty of damage done, but luckily no one was killed in this earthquake. I've never been in an earthquake before, and I'm not even sure I can count this one, because I DIDN'T FEEL A THING! I was in the middle of a 6.8 earthquake and I missed it. (Maybe that's a good thing - perhaps Ella would have been a February baby if things had been different. ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

This and that

I have several posts "in the works", but nothing ready to go for today. I've had a busy week, which hasn't involved laundry in any way, so you can guess what I'll be doing today.

Tuesday I drove the kids 25 miles into the next town for doctor's appointments. I paid $250 (yes, we have insurance, but they require payment up front for your first visit - I'll be anxiously waiting my refund check!) so a RNP could come in and say "all's good!" Little Man is finally catching up in weight, and Ella got some shots, which was a thrill for both of us.

Yesterday Ella and I visisted a local preschool, intending to get her signed up for the fall. This seems to be a great school, and I've heard great things from other parents. Ella had a blast visiting, and we decided to go ahead and sign her up two days a week for the last 4 weeks of summer to kind of "get her feet wet" before the fall session. So my baby starts school next week. I'm so excited for her, but it has hit me what a huge thing this is. It will be the very first day of years and years of school for her. I feel so ready for this, and yet not at all ready at the same time.

*sigh* My kids are growing up.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Some mid-week fun

Thanks to my friend Patti for directing me to The Sloganizer. I'm having far too much fun with this. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Mommy Matters: it's a kind of magic
  • You wouldn't want to miss Mommy Matters.
  • Mommy Matters: be prepared.
  • All you need is Mommy Matters.
  • When you've said Mommy Matters, you've said it all.
  • I'd do anything for Mommy Matters.
  • The best Mommy Matters in the world.
  • Mommy Matters: to hell with the rest.
  • Ooh la la, Mommy Matters!
  • There's a bit of Mommy Matters in all of us.
  • Kick ass with Mommy Matters
  • Mommy Matters - better than sex!
  • Naughty little Mommy Matters

Yes, I've spent too much time here. Comment here with your favorite!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

She's finally blogging!!

Some of you may know my friend Buffi. I met here right here on my site, and we became fast friends. She is an Air Force wife, mother of three gorgeous kids, and incredibly wonderful.

For months she's been reading blogs and commenting, without ever having a blog of her own to link to. Well finally (with some gentle nudging from me ;) she is up and running with her own site! Not only that, but she has a lovely, orginal look as well! Go stop by Sugar Mommy and return some of that comment love she's been giving out for so long!

What are you waiting for?!?! Get over there!!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Absence makes the heart grow fonder - continued

I stood on the dock with the other wives and families - I remember it well. It was very hot. I had my sunglasses on, and only carried my ID and my keys with me. The brow was lowered. I couldn't wait! Not only did Bubblehead get to be the first one off the boat, but he was guaranteed no duty tonight, meaning we could go straight home.

All eyes were on us. There was Bubblehead - I hadn't seen him for three months. We met half-way across the brow. He took me in his arms and kissed me. (There may have been cheers from the crowd at this point - I don't remember.)

One other big deal here is that they take a picture of First Kiss, as a memento. For security purposes they don't allow any cameras down there on the docks, so you never get to take pictures of the homecomings. But First Kiss gets a picture. Even now this is one of my most favorite pictures.

On our way home, I was finally able to tell Bubblehead all about what had gone on in his absence - the fence falling over, all the little things that had gone wrong. I told him about how I had given an $80 deposit to the cable company a month ago and we still had no cable! (It is because of this that we have been loyal satellite subscribers ever since!) I told him about Kabiel getting out and me trudging through the wetlands behind our house looking for her in tears, just sure that she was gone. And I told him about the road that was STILL not paved!

We turn into the subdivision and drive down to our road and wouldn't you know.... they had paved that road between the time I had left that morning and the time we got back. There was no sign of them being there except a lovely, smooth, newly-paved street!! Amazing! Bubblehead grins at me and says "You see that! I come home and things get done!"

It isn't long after the sub gets back that the other crew takes over to get her ready to go out again, and our crew goes into off-crew. This was just the best time for us. We had a brand new house. Summer was just beginning. We were planning a trip home to Wyoming and Utah in a few weeks to visit our families. Bubblehead decided he wanted to get a tattoo, and though he couldn't talk me into the same, I was convinced to pierce my bellybutton. (After an especially difficult patrol I had stressed off a little bit of weight and I had a lovely, flat stomach!)

So he got a tattoo, and I had my naval pierced, (can you say OUCH!?) and this has always been a sort of "souvenir" of this special patrol and homecoming for us. I took the ring out of my naval when I was about 6 months pregnant with Ella, and it stayed out until about a year ago, when I just felt sad that it was gone, because of what it signified to me. So I put the ring back in. My stomach isn't as flat and lovely as it was when I had it pierced, and I've passed my bare-midriff days, but I will be keeping the ring. (At least for now.)

I have to add here what a wonderful summer we had. Bubblehead taught me to rappel while we were in Utah. We had a wonderful visit with our families. Bubblehead's nephew came back to Georgia with us for the summer. We took him to Busch Gardens, and to the beach. (It was his first time seeing the ocean!) Bubblehead took him to Atlanta for the Olympics. Such a lovely reward for such a long, stressful patrol.

One side note - I fully intended to share the picture with you, but wouldn't you know it - I can't find it! It's still in a box somewhere. I promise as soon as it comes out of hiding, I will post it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Almost from the beginning Bubblehead and I had a long-distance relationship, so I suppose the Navy was a good choice for us. It was tough when we were apart, but we always got through it.

In fact I have a favorite patrol. It was our fourth I believe: The spring of 1996. We had decided to buy our first home, and were purchasing new construction. We picked the floor plan, chose the colors and carpets and cabinets - so much fun! We carefully picked the lot it was to be built on, and when they started construction, we'd go out there in the evenings to watch the progress. We happened to go on the day they had poured the driveway and patio, and were able to carve our initials into the cement. (We have the same initials - how cute is that?)

Bubblehead had a patrol coming up, and would be out to sea for the closing. We had to get a special power of attorney that would allow me to sign all the closing papers for him. We had arranged with some friends of ours to help me move all of our things. I knew this one would be more stressful than any other.

He left for sea and I kicked into independent mode. I went out to the construction site on my own now, taking pictures so he could see what I saw, even though he'd have to wait to get back to see them. I kept a journal for him each patrol, so I could tell him what was going on in my daily life. (On those rare occasions when we got a mail drop, I was able to just photo-copy my journal pages and I'd have an instant letter for him!)

I was also going to school full-time down in Jacksonville Florida, which was an hour drive (one way) - I was there 5 days a week. On top of that, I also worked part-time with foster kids in Fernandina Beach in the evenings and weekends. (No, not too busy, was I?)

Halfway Night came, and the other wives and I had a lovely party in celebration. One of the big events of Halfway Night was the drawing for First Kiss. You buy raffle tickets, and if you win, you get a basket full of goodies (candles, bath stuff, romantic music, Champaign, etc.), but best of all, you get First Kiss when the boat comes in!

Well guess who won First Kiss that night? (I'll give you one guess - go ahead....)

Yep! I won! I was so excited! And really, who deserved it more than me? I was closing on our house the following week, and organizing the move all on my own.

Closing went without a hitch. We had a group of wonderful friends who pulled together to move all our stuff across town into the new house. Once I got into the house, the problems started arising.

Because this was a brand new street, we didn't have phone lines or cable TV out to the house yet. Thank goodness for my cell phone, and a wonderful friend who lent me many a video to fill my silent evenings. The fence they built fell over the first time it rained, so I had to get them back out to re-do it. Lots of little problems: They didn't install a vent for the dryer, so back out to do that. The light switch in the master bedroom closet didn't work - back out once again.

The road to our home wasn't paved yet, and we were told over and over it was going to be done soon. Meanwhile the construction workers apparently throw nails around like confetti, because flat tires were a common thing in our neighborhood. Lovely.

I lived in this nice new home for a month by myself, with sheets on the windows and no television. (Good thing I was so busy with school and work!) On the day the boat was coming in I left home early - pulled out of the driveway onto the dirt road. The gravel popped and crunched under my tires as I drove around to the next block to meet a friend before going down to the base. It was the end of May, and a hot day in Georgia! I had put a lot of thought into what I would wear - a little dress and sunglasses. (I had contemplated combat boots as well, because Bubblehead was into Shirley Manson at the time, but I didn't think I could pull that look off.)

Down to the waterfront I drove, on cloud nine! I had just lived through a tough 90-odd days, and couldn't wait for Bubblehead to see our new home! Not only that, but I was "princess for a day" - I got first kiss!!

to be continued - sorry. I wasn't going to do it to you, but this is getting long.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Victory is mine!

I'm please to announce that Bubblehead has a lovely, smooth face once again. And so ends my "Shave the Beard" campaign of 2005. Thank you my dear! I really do think it slims your face! ;)

It's only fair - I keep my legs nice and smooth - just for you! (Okay, maybe not just for you, but mostly.)

Friday, July 08, 2005

Homecoming day

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

The day finally arrived, and I was up early with excitement! I dolled myself up, and met a group of wives at the McDonalds on base. We were all going to meet for lunch (although who could eat?!), and then go on down to lower base. (Lower base was a section of the base where the boats were, and it also had a security gate manned by a guard just like the entrance gates to the base itself.)

When we arrived at the parking lot, we decided since the boat still hadn't come up the channel we'd drive down the waterfront a ways and watch for it. It didn't take long at all to see that giant steel fish come inching its way towards us. Again there were men topside, and we waved with excitement at them. From this distance we couldn't see faces, and I didn't know whether Bubblehead was standing topside or not, but it didn't matter anyway. He was almost home.

Normally we couldn't get through the gates to the docks on our own (we would have to be escorted by someone with clearance), but because today was the homecoming, we were allowed through with a check of our military IDs. We went around that big beige building and stood there waiting.

And waiting and waiting. The boat doesn't move fast, and even after it comes to a stop, there is a lot of work to do. They move the brow across. (This is a metal bridge of sorts, that allows people to cross from the dock to the boat easily.) All the while we're just standing there and watching. There are children there yelling to their daddies and waving. The air is electric. They are so close, and yet this big boat still separates us.

Finally they allow the guys to cross. The First Kiss winner comes off first (more on that in my next post), and then the rest of the guys can come off. Finally Bubblehead and I are together again. He holds me and kisses me. He smells like the sub. (Primarily of the amine which they use to make oxygen - I can't describe it, but it has a very distinct smell. Years later when I was walking the halls of the hospital, waiting to give birth to my daughter, we smelled it in their ventilation and immediately were taken back to our Navy days.)

The boat can never be left empty, and so a third of the guys are always on duty, but luckily Bubblehead didn't have duty his first night back, so just a little more waiting, and he was ready to come home with me. It was actually kind of strange having him home after being gone for so long. Little adjustments to my schedule had to be made. And the time I spent with the wives came to an abrupt end. It was always that way, because we were busy spending time with our guys. Once they went back into refit to get ready for another patrol, we would pick back up where we left off.

It didn't take long for him to settle in again, and then life felt normal. I can't imagine what an adjustment it was for him - much bigger than mine I'm sure. (For one, they keep an 18 hour day on board, so even his sleeping schedule gets screwed up.) Now the other crew of the boat would get ready to take her out on patrol, and our crew would be in off-crew. These were the best days - you can't ask for a better schedule. He'd go in at 8:00, and because the boat was out to sea, there wasn't much for them to do. He'd be home before 11:00 each day, with most Fridays off. We'd spend our days in Jacksonville, or Savannah. It helped to make up for all the time he was away.

So that's about how our first patrol went. Each one was memorable in some way. One patrol got cut short by two or three weeks - such a surprise and treat! (And right before Christmas, too!) Because of the 3 on, 3 off schedule the boat kept, he was usually gone in the spring and fall. He missed every Easter we were in Georgia, and every Thanksgiving, but never missed a Christmas.

I will try to coerce Bubblehead into doing a post or two of his own, to tell you about standing topside watches while out to sea, about their half-way celebrations, and firing test missiles. He has some great stories about his time at sea. I will do one more post on this subject, because I want to write about my favorite patrol.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sadness once again

To all those in London who are hurt, or scared, or mourning a loss: my heart goes out to you. To all my blogging friends who are living in the UK, my thoughts are with you, and I'm praying that you are all okay and safe.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Three months

Part 1, Part 2

I filled "my" first patrol with working at a neighborhood video store, and earning my associate's degree through the extention center on base. When I wasn't busy doing that, I had dinner with friends, or watched movies. One of the other wives was a night owl just like me, so we'd sit up until the early morning hours watching old movies and chatting.

At the half-way point, the Wives' Club threw a big party. We did this every patrol, and the guys had their own ways of celebrating half-way on the sub. (If you stop by here and ask nicely, I'm sure he will tell you about it.)

As I mentioned before, these subs are unique in that they run silent for most of their patrol, meaning they do not send any transmissions off. The wives or families are allowed to send a limited number of "family grams" to our sailors while they are gone (I believe it was generally 8.) Family grams are there to boost the moral of the guys, and let them hear a little from home. Fourty words (per family gram) - that's it. You learn to maximize those 40 words. (And of course the Navy screens them, because you can't send any news that could possibly upset them. You must go through the proper channels if you have news of illness or death.) They are transmitted electronically.

"Mail drops" are not the norm, and are not planned, but if the sub has the need to send someone off, or bring someone on, or happens to take a port call, they do what they can to arrange one. We were lucky - I believe we had one every patrol we were on board.

We always knew about when the boat was suppose to be back. That was one of the advantages of these subs - they kept a pretty regular schedule - not like the fast attacks, or the surface ships. We were informed of the exact day and time of the homecoming about 5 days in advance, by the command through a phone tree. The boat's schedule was always secret. (Although there was a joke that if you wanted to know when one of the subs was coming home, just go down to Wal-Mart and ask one of the checkers. We were instructed, however, to always keep this information to ourselves.)

I knew the call was coming. One sunny day standing in my little living room I got it. The boat was officially coming home! I had a new outfit to wear for the occasion, and I couldn't wait! You can't even imagine how giddy I felt thinking about him actually being home with me again! Those five days past so slowly...

To be continued

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

On my own

Part One

I didn't sit there long before one of the other wives came up to the car and invited me out for coffee - a group of them were gathering somewhere off-base. I decided not to go, because I wanted to be alone for a little while. I had plans with some of the other wives a little later on.

I went back to our little apartment. The tiny rooms felt so big and empty, and I felt very alone. I sat in silence and watched the rain. (Incidently, he did six patrols at that command and it rained every time he left for sea.) I finally couldn't stand the quiet and turned on the TV.

Before too long it was time for me to meet up with some of my friends. They were all wives from our boat - all younger and without children. We were carpooling down to Fort Clinch, because from there you can see the subs go out to sea. I left my car behind and rode with three other wives down to the fort, and we parked the car and went out on the beach.

I have to pause my story here to just state how absolutely wonderful these other women were. The entire command was like a family, and when our guys left, we pulled together and took care of each other. There was never a time when I was lonely and didn't have anyone to call, or go visit. It is because of these women that despite all I had to go through, these were some of the best years of my life.

So we sat on blankets on the beach, and ate snacks and chatted. When the sub finally came inching past out in the water it was so exciting! I of course had seen the sub up close several times, and had even been on board (they encourage the families to come down while they are in, so I had been down many times to share meals with Bubblehead when he was on duty.) but this was really something. It moved past slowly, and many of the sailors were top-side and waving to us. The sub blew its whistle at us. (It's called a whistle, but imagine a very deep, loud horn blast.) We stood on the beach and waved and yelled back at them. How strange to think of this huge monster of a machine travelling under water!

When they had past we packed up to leave. It was only then that we discovered that the keys to our car were locked inside. So more waiting for AAA to come rescue us. I came to learn that things like this always happen when the guys were gone.

When I got back home and was alone again, I discovered I had a lovely red (and painful!) sunburn from my day on the beach. What a wonderful way to start my three months of aloneness. More crying, and a phone call to my mommy, and I went to bed. One night down....

To be continued

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The first goodbye

The rain was falling half-heartedly that day. I was nineteen years old, and over 1500 miles away from home. My new husband had been at his first command for about three months, and he was preparing for his first patrol on a US submarine.

I sat next to him in the car. He drove onto base, and continued on past the guards on lower base. He parked in view of the buildings that lined the dock. The Navy is protective of these particular subs, and even from this secure location they keep them hidden from view. I knew that behind that tan building sat his boat - the one that was going to take him out to sea, to not even he knew where.

Had I thought of everything? I sent along cards and letters for him to open along the way - there would be no mail, and never any calls. I sent a few little gifts to entertain him and lift his spirits, for I knew that as lonely as I was going to be, he would be lonelier. I was only losing him - he was losing everything.

He was wearing his dungarees - a "working" uniform they wear on the boat. Blue shirt, denim pants, black boots. His hat emblazoned with the name of the sub. He got out and slung his green sea bag over his shoulder.

I, of course, was crying. I dabbed my tears away with a handkerchief. He held me, and kissed me. He doesn't like long goodbyes, and so before I knew it, he was walking away from me. I sat in the driver's seat to stay out of the rain, and I watched him go through the gates, and disappear behind the building.

That was it. Now I was alone. Nineteen years old and over 1500 miles away from home. I knew that it would be somewhere between 70 and 90 days before I'd see him again, but I couldn't think about that now.

To be continued

Coming home

I've been seeing those commercials on TV for a show that spotlights the homecoming of service men and women who have been away from home for an extended amount of time. I can't watch those moments, even in the short clip of a commercial, without getting emotional.

I had six of those moments in my life. Six. Six patrols that Bubblehead did on the sub. Six tearful goodbyes. Six tearful homecomings. (Granted my husband wasn't going off to war, but these goodbyes were always with the understanding that I never knew when I would talk to him again, or when I'd see him again.)

And now thanks to these commercials, I feel inspired to write a little bit about these very emotional moments in my life.

And so I will.... (To be continued.)
Name: Christine
Location: Wyoming, United States
I'm the Mom of two. They drive me crazy. I love them dearly. I want one more. I'm not insane, yet. My hubby says I'm a snob with an inferiority complex. There is more to me than being a mother. I just don't remember any of it.

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I'm feeling... The 

current mood of kabiel at

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Adagio Tea

His next trip to Asia

Irritated by...
His next trip to Asia

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Lessons Learned...
Don't ask a 5 6 year old a question, unless you really want to feign interest for the next 90 minutes in the answer.

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American Girl

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"Make a little birdhouse in your soul."

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Gabriella's Quip Du Jour
Great giveaway over at Dealusional!
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A MEME - just because
Gabriella's quip du jour
Just in time to make Thanksgiving less stressful!
Gabriella's quip du jour

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