All this reminiscing has been great! I was just saying to a blogging friend of mine that I think I love the 80s music more now than I did then, because of all the memories that I have tied to it now. Thanks to all of you I have a new list of music to put on my iPod, and a long list of movies I want to see again!
On a little more serious note, before I end this 80s weekend (and because I am currently out of town until tomorrow, as far as I'm concerned it is still the weekend) I want to pose one more question for you all. What news stories from the 80s sticks out the most in your mind?
Two pop into my head. The Challenger explosion, because not only was it such a tragedy, but also because it's the first story of that kind (tragic) that I can remember in my life. Sadly there is a long list of such stories that I remember keeping my glued to my TV since then (Columbine, Oklahoma City, September 11th, etc.) but this is the first one like that I really remember. I was in 5th grade when it happened, and I remember watching that footage over and over. Even now when I see a shuttle lift-off on TV I half expect to see that horrible explosion....
The other that comes to mind is Baby Jessica. I remember that poor baby being stuck for days (was it?), and then the night they finally got her out I had been at the athletic club with my dad and brother playing racketball. We walked in and watched the footage of her being pulled up. A scary story with a happy ending.
But enough about me - what stories etched themselves into your memory?