Sunday, December 12, 2004

The Eventual Restaurant

is soon to be The Actual Restaurant. There is still work to be done, but opening night is less than a week away now. I was privileged to be able to have brunch this morning with the other managers' families, and the food was FABULOUS!! Absolutely wonderful! Omlettes made to order, fresh fruit (Asian pears, huge grapes and pink grapefruit), bacon, ham, samon hash (which was just delicious!), potatoes, and fruit crepes. Hot coffee pressed right at the table, hot tea (loose leaf, brewed at the table), cold milk and fresh squeezed orange juice. Even if my husband wasn't involved in this project, this would be my new favorite restaurant!

There has been a lot of buzz about the restaurant here in town for a long time - they were originally supposed to open in June. I really hope it does well. I think it's just what this town needs. (Not to mention the fact that my family's livelihood depends upon it!)

Lots of luck to Spiral in the next few weeks and months. I know you can make this project wonderful and successful! I'm so happy for you!
Name: Christine
Location: Wyoming, United States
I'm the Mom of two. They drive me crazy. I love them dearly. I want one more. I'm not insane, yet. My hubby says I'm a snob with an inferiority complex. There is more to me than being a mother. I just don't remember any of it.

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