It's been a while since I've had the time to do one of these. I hope you'll go pay a visit to these fine blogs!
I have a new friend in the blogosphere in Trucker Bob. He is a great writer, and an even greater grandpa! Not only that, but he just had his blog redesigned. Truck on over to Over The Road and say hi!
Thanks go out to Grace for pointing me in the direction of this very well-written post by Michelle of Modern Motherhood. It's long, but well worth your time.
Tish of The World According To Tish wrote a fabulous post that explains a lot about what actually controls a woman. You men may want to take notes.
Feeling a little down? Hop on over to Bunny Burrow - Chana has a post to make you feel better!
As a last minute addition, two of my blog friends have brand new looks this week. Go take a peak at Sleeping Mommy and Silver Linings, and tell them what you think!!!
UPDATE: It must be redesign week! I've just discovered another friend with a new look. Please stop by Agog and Aghast and tell Raehan how wonderful her site looks!