A few of you out there already know about my plans. I haven't mentioned them here on my blog yet, because to be honest I have to keep them pretty hush-hush.
I have decided to join my parents on their trip to Florida to visit my grandparents. We are driving. I haven't seen my grandparents since my brother's wedding about 5 and a half years ago. They have never met my children.
Oh yes, the children. They are sort of attached to me, you know. (Figurativly and literally). Yes, we are taking them with us. This is the part of the trip I really shouldn't talk about too much. You see if the Loony Bin catches wind of these plans, they will march right over here and have me committed. Four days in the car with two small children. (And another four days to get home. I suppose if it doesn't go well I can just live there.)
Hopefully there will be plenty of wireless internet connections along the route. I will be taking my beloved laptop, and blogging on the way. Stay tuned - things are sure to get scary crazy comical.