Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Turn Around

"Where are you going,
my little one, little one?
Where are you going,
my baby, my own?
Turn around and you're two,
turn around and you're four,
turn around and you're a young
girl going out of the door"

Four years ago today I fell in love. This little person came into my life and turned it upside down. I've never been the same.

I won't go into all the details leading up to her birth, but I will say that when the time came for her to be born it was such a surreal moment - not at all what I pictured childbirth to be like. The lights were low, and I had one of my favorite CDs playing. It was only me, Bubblehead, my nurse, and my doctor. (One more nurse was there for the baby, and she stayed in the background.) There was no rushing around - no bright lights or people popping in and out. Between contractions the doctor chatted with us about the baby, and our day. I had no pain, thanks to the most wonderful invention known to mothers ever (epidural), and it was all very calm and relaxed.

Of course I was filled with excitement and nerves. And then there she was. Now every mother will say this but I'm telling you in my case it is true: She was the most beautiful little creature to ever grace this earth. (Still is) I couldn't believe she was here, and she was mine. Our doctor and nurses did their thing as quickly as they could, and then left the three of us alone. Suddenly we were a family.

Gabriella has been the star of the show ever since. We struggled with feedings and sleeping, but marveled at her every move. We held her and watched her wake up (which took about twenty minutes). After that she'd be worn out and need a nap.

She has THE. BEST. SMILE. She shares it liberally with the rest of the world, and seems to be able to wrap just about anyone around her little finger.

Four years ago today.... Seems like yesterday.

"Turn around and you're tiny,
turn around and you're grown,
turn around and you're a young wife
with babes of your own"
Name: Christine
Location: Wyoming, United States
I'm the Mom of two. They drive me crazy. I love them dearly. I want one more. I'm not insane, yet. My hubby says I'm a snob with an inferiority complex. There is more to me than being a mother. I just don't remember any of it.

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Adagio Tea

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Lessons Learned...
Don't ask a 5 6 year old a question, unless you really want to feign interest for the next 90 minutes in the answer.

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American Girl

Quote of the Week

"Make a little birdhouse in your soul."

To all my "e-friends"
Sally and Oregon
Longing for spring
What have I done?
Gabriella's quip du jour
He got the job
Forget coffee roasting...
The Kitchen
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