Saturday, February 19, 2005

Happy Winterfest!

You mean you didn't know? Why today is Winterfest, of course! The third Saturday in February..... doesn't ring a bell? Perhaps it was overlooked on your calendar.

Yes, you heard me right, today is a holiday. Winterfest was created by my sister-in-law and dear friend several years ago as a way to break up this time of year when it seems the dull, windy days of winter will drag on forever. It is a day to spend with your family, enjoy cooking meals together, playing games and just generally spending time together.

Most Winterfests are quite a to-do, including fun little gifts and a huge crowd of both my family and hers. There are usually several games going on, crafts for the kids, and lots of hanging out in the kitchen. This year many people were unavoidably busy, so it was a smaller affair. We had a homemade french toast breakfast, followed by naps for the kids, an X-Box tournament for the guys, and a bit of baby shopping for the girls, as there will be a new addition to the family in a couple of months. That was followed up by more naps, some snacking while cooking dinner (homemade baked potato soup, bread, salad, and gingerbread for dessert). We had dinner and after cleaning up we had a Family Feud championship (which I'm proud to announce the girls won.)

So sadly I don't have anything more fun or exciting to share with you, as this is how I spent my day. But you know, some people don't get to spend time with their families. So I'm lucky. (And sappy, apparently. I will try harder to entertain tomorrow.)
Name: Christine
Location: Wyoming, United States
I'm the Mom of two. They drive me crazy. I love them dearly. I want one more. I'm not insane, yet. My hubby says I'm a snob with an inferiority complex. There is more to me than being a mother. I just don't remember any of it.

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