Thursday, October 13, 2005
When things are slow, why not do a meme?
I was tagged by Sarah with this one. I've got nothing else to say, so here it goes:
7 things I plan to do before I die:
- Visit Europe again
- Learn to speak French
- Read The Grapes of Wrath (there's a story there - I'll blog it sometime.)
- Sleep in
- Write a children's book
- Take a cruise
- Custom build a home. (I know a wonderful architect!)
7 Things I can do:
- play the piano
- make a perfect cup of tea
- Clean up half a tube of A&D Ointment off the head of a toddler
- Make up a silly song on the spot to bring a smile to my kids' faces
- ski (alpine)
- make a whistle out of a blade of grass
- parallel park
7 things I can not do:
- Trill my tongue
- the splits
- sing
- Clean up half a tube of A&D Ointment off the head of a toddler without crying
- Drive a stick shift
- Make coffee
- Spell parallel
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
- eyes
- hands
- intelligence
- sense of humor
- this
- is
- hard
7 things I say most often:
- Yikes
- I've got nothing
- That's your son/daughter
- That's my son/daughter
- That's crap
- I'm tired
- I'm done with poop!
7 people I want to pass this to:
Oh I won't do that to you, but if you do decide to do it, let me know so I can stop by to compare notes.