The Queen asked to see my tea collection. Although there are a few things missing, this is the bulk of it. (Click the picture to enlarge.)

- This is technically a salt celler, but I use it for sugar - works perfectly!
- This is my highly prized, brough it back from England myself, tea from Fortnum & Mason.
- An ADORABLE little tea set I got from Christmas from my mom/Gabriella
- One of various tea strainers I have - I never use those anymore.
- A pair of tongs just right for sugar cubes.
- This is one of my "tea" spoons. (I have four.) See the little tea pot on the end?
- My Australian Press - highly recommended!
- One of my tea pots - this one Bubblehead gave me several years ago.
- This is a tea caddy I got from a secret pal a few years ago. It is perfect for storing tea bags.
- Another tea strainer - isn't that little tea cup bobble cute?
- This is Gabriella's tea, although I've been known to drink it once and a while. It's made by Republic of Tea just for kids - StrawCherry Cha Cha Tea. (It doesn't look like they make it anymore. It has been replaced by their Panda Berry Tea for kids.)
- Another tea pot - I call it my bottomless tea pot, because it holds so much, I never seem to be able to finish off a pot! My mom gave me this one.
- This is Adagio's Assam Melody, part of my free sample for posting a link to them here. This is a wonderful tea, and arrives already packed in a tin! I've been very impressed with Adagio, and will definately order from them!
- This is the other part of my free sample (awesome sample!). It is the IngenuiTEA. It works just like the Australian Press. I prefer this one slightly because the lid is attatched, and this one is microwavable. (Although *I* would never microwave my tea! :)
- This is Sip for the Cure tea (called so because some of the proceeds from this tea go to breast cancer research), from Republic of Tea. It is a lovely green tea, with pink grapefruit. Not my daily cuppa, but a very nice, refreshing tea.
- Seattle Breakfast tea, a staple in my tea cabinet.
- Classic Irish Breakfast, another of my favorites.
- Emerald Blossom Jasmine tea, a must with Chinese food!
- Assam tea.
- These are a couple traveler's tins, from Republic of Tea. (These two happen to be Kiwi Pear green tea, and Mango Ceylon tea.) I don't drink flavored teas often, so I usually buy them in small quantities like this.
- Another little tea caddy, for offering tea bags to guests.

These are my two tea-related books. They contain recipes, and information. All of the more "technical" information I've learned I've gotten from the internet.
More requested photos to come....